1. Introduction to Blazor

What is Blazor Blazor is Microsoft’s solution for the single page web application developoment frameworks e.g. React, Vue, Angular etc. Why you should even think of adopting Blazor? If you want to do web client side development in C#, then Blazor is an ideal solution. You don’t need to learn JavaScript. It is not that simple. It actually goes way beyond JavaScript. Blazor is an SPA framework for web development. It is an alternate of libraries like React, Vue and the likes....

5 min · 985 words · Saqib Razzaq

2. Routing

Link Url Path with Razor Components Routing means which component will run when you open a URL in the browser. For example if you open www.website.com or www.website.com/counter, which actual razor components will run. In React, we use React Router library, you can define routes with paths. Similar method is available in ASP.NET MVC, you can link paths with controller classes. In Blazor, it is very easy. You define routing in each razor component....

2 min · 272 words · Saqib Razzaq