10. Create container and deploy on local Docker instance

This is the 10th article in the beginner series of React UI for doing simple CRUD operations on single table. We ran the project using npm start on local system. In this tutorial, we will create a Docker container for the React app and deploy on local Docker. This React app consumes Person web API, which we developed in ASP.NET Core 7. We used Visual Studio 2022 to add container support in the web API project....

5 min · 879 words · Saqib Razzaq

11. Upload container to docker hub and deploy on website hosted on VPS

This is the last and concluding tutorial in both ASP.NET Core and React beginner series. We created API in ASP.NET Core and UI in React to manage Person table with just 4 fields. The app is very basic CRUD based, but follows best practices. We created Docker containers for the API, database and UI, and hosted on local Docker instance. Now we will deploy our app, all 3 containers, on a VPS and setup website domain to use with it....

18 min · 3713 words · Saqib Razzaq